Video Types for Non-Profits
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These are our most requested videos from Non-Profits!
Organizational Video: This is a fundamental video for any nonprofit, foundation, or corporate philanthropy, effectively laying out the organization's case for support. Typically 2-3 minutes long, it combines live action with motion graphics, targeting a wide audience with a high production value. It's shared widely across platforms like YouTube, the organization's website, email lists, and social media
The Event Video:
Designed to suit various event types, these videos can range in length, offering either quick highlights or in-depth coverage. With a focus on high-quality, live-action production, we aim to engage both event attendees and a wider audience. Our event videos are perfect for sharing the essence of your event through social media, your website, and email newsletters, making them ideal for reminiscing and promotional use. They serve as a vibrant recap, ensuring the energy and key moments of your event are preserved and shared. Would you like to explore more about our event video services? Please feel free to schedule a consultation with us.
Explainer Video: These are more detailed videos, often using animation or live action with motion graphics, intended for audiences deeply interested in the specifics of the nonprofit's work. Lasting 2-3 minutes, these videos are released every two years and are educational in tone, aiming to clarify the work and approach of the organization